steps on how to take care of a newborn
step 1: it' will be a good idea to read this post because what if you just had your first child or expecting a
new baby soon you need to make sour you are doing things right.
step 2: at the first couple weeks at home with your new born you cant just put you baby in a tub of warm water you washcloth bath him/her for the first couple weeks at home.
the first poo
oh the first poo was quite a surprise it was green ish almost tar like but don't be alarmed this all quite normal
now never ever wipe back to front always wipe front to back.warning it is always gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the first feed
now weather you choose to bress feed or bottle feed both is cutie tough like finding a comfortable seet and all is tough but after a few feed you shod get the hang of it.
on the way to the hostaple
now as well as all the things you need for your self there are some things four new baby's arrival such as burp
cloths because your new baby will spit up, baby pas afire baby's have a strong sucking reflex and a baby pas afire can help sooth them,dippers and wipes,hat's and mittens to help prevent them skrachings them selves,and a warm outfit for them to where on the way home.
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